mardi 29 décembre 2009


here the first proposition of the final version of spaceOne.
I hope you will like this and i m waiting your feed back to make some changes of it.
Have a good year friends, at the end we win!

lundi 7 décembre 2009

speed painting white model comparaison

here's i ve made a 3d model , i block some volume with no real details. I ve made a comparaison with the paint, it s important to not loose the feeling of it. After that's blocking i ll detailling with zbrush and make some base lightning in 3d to help me to do the matte.

lundi 30 novembre 2009

mood lightning

i use the feed back from other user to retake and make this choise, i hope it will have a good validation to jump to the next stage

samedi 28 novembre 2009


i lead the advice to do a mood lightning before working more in detail. I m not sure yet wich one i will take as a reference, you can give me your opinion about that if you want. It s a funny stage, with no restraint to take risk.

vendredi 27 novembre 2009


At this time, i ll invite you on a space travel, have you ever talking about spaceone Station ?
SpaceOne station is on the lunar sattelite of megalithe Omega, the big sister of the blue one.
it s call "awoua" why? because my soon who has 5 month's old decided for me, that it!!
It's an agressive planet with corrosifs 's gazs on his surface, the men who work there have an life expectancy limited but the pay is really good. This explain the present of lot of protections mesures and private police controls...In this first picture you could see the top level of hélium 3's mine on the left and some gateways...

the final touch

i close this job at this time, i ve added some unsharpe filter and some level adjust of it. I use the mistake i ve done on this picture to work better on the next job. I prefer drawing where i go before use 3d but in this case i couldn't. i will work for me next time and respect all the step and i sure the result will be better. See you all ...

dimanche 22 novembre 2009


In order to help some graphists and explain how to use texture and projection i make this picture .I used their bdd and a constraint camera position. I show there the 3d output without gamma correction. I ll paint over this for the final touch. i m open for any subjection

vendredi 6 novembre 2009


i work with picture of a model to found the way i want. i will work of something more drawing after in order to obtain something more harmonious, at this time it s just a game to imagine where i will go after.

lundi 26 octobre 2009


the definitive version of gorrilaSkull


i work on this kind of gorrilla with the idea to found something new, i m talking about the form of the morphologie. i used some references of "jardin des plantes" to imagine the animal just with his bones.. i was suprise of the result and i find the experience interesting!

dimanche 25 octobre 2009


here is a strange head just wake up from a wall, i used some reptile's eyes and some paléontologie's pictures, some students has taken from the museum "jardin des plantes" .

vendredi 23 octobre 2009

mardi 20 octobre 2009


here s the new stage of my work. I work to change the profil and adding some details

dimanche 18 octobre 2009

nature Entity

here a new theme around the nature and the power of the element.
I imagine a kind of giant who is become a sort of humanoïde...

lundi 28 septembre 2009

rosemary's baby

i paint this picture to have a reflection to why this picture marked my mind when i was younger, the hazard is the news catching me again, and the poor roman polanski annoy with a strange story. It's a work around the light and maybe i will go on with 3d and some camera projection.

dimanche 27 septembre 2009

walk on the beach

i paint after in a bigger square but still small the next stage. I repeat the same framing it s that why i have to paint quickly before the sun falls. Here the objective is to fix the warm and cold color with only two tones, i use black blue and dark brown.

walk on the beach

i work my skill today during an outing on the beach. i try to repeat what i learned few days agos with my paint teacher. I start to fix the light in little square with a big withe and a strong constrate. it could big helping to be a little myopic at this stage or you could close your eyes

jeudi 24 septembre 2009

gouche painting

i try this time to use classic media for my search. i use the technic wich is consist to start with little drawing and select a favorite for the biger one. If you are interesting of this technics visist this link

vendredi 18 septembre 2009


i stop the colo of this image at this level, it s a good thing to know when stoping. I hope you like. See you and the next, maybe i will test some real gouach painting...


i go on this stage. It's slow and i need a lot of concentration. another side it s give me a lot of pleasure, it s like a game to reveal some forms as buds. I use some pictures wich i divert as the skin of my girlfriend, she breastfeeding at this time and have good visible's veins, héhé...sorry for that:p
you will see the result at the next post..

jeudi 17 septembre 2009

vampire colo02

i not spend a lot of time to work on it today maybe this night, it s a good time to this kind of subject isn't it?

mercredi 16 septembre 2009


i work right now to found how to represent a vampire. The subject is not really original for sure but it could be really funny in fact.
I work differently in this case, i use texture a lot and use the picture to be lead. I don't no where i go at this time i will see:)

mardi 15 septembre 2009

level color 4

the last straitght line before the end, maybe the most difficult since all the mistakes right now could destroy the whole. It s the good thing to show the work at good friends, or at you docs!
Maybe you will see a lot of things i refuse to see because i m too bore of it, but i will agree after a rest for sure. Then i wait for all subjections, thanks by advance guys (and girls:p)

lundi 14 septembre 2009

lost_color Level 3

i try to go on the color stage without lost my objective of the render type. I use this train to test some news technics and risk some color way. The result will be few wild i guest but i'm not despair to reach my object. it s difficult to not have the global color at the begining, i prefered to have my first plan color. I will corrige that later.

vendredi 11 septembre 2009

jeudi 10 septembre 2009

lost color level 01

i start to colorize the draw. I ve tested this way for the color, nothing is fixe at this time .


I finish the drawing black and white, i hope the outline have the enought quality. i want to test know some light ambience, i want to give something beetween the fear and a story that is stoped.

mercredi 9 septembre 2009


The second stage is for me to found how to make my framing. I know my subject is the squeleton. It s difficult to visualise in is head how composite all the stuff in order the image work. The 3d is a way to help that, it s quick and we can test. Here's the first blocking, i have adding the anchor at the first plan, the advanced show the subject and help to increase the depth. notice the form of the links, i learn this form through an picture of a maritime museum

human's chain

when i work with my girlfriend, she's given me a book wich talken about human's trade. I remember a chapter wich explain how french trader throw their "goods" when english's boat hunt the slavers. They attached all the prisonners at the chain of the anchor and let it gone under the deep of the sea. I will try to show the picture i saw in my head at the first read. It's a dual work with my girlfriend how help me to find the good outline.
Here'is the first drawing at the begining....

mardi 8 septembre 2009


there is the lasr version, i hope the definitive. It s time to work to an athor image maybe under sea too. I feel a lot of things to learn about the subaquatic environnement, it will be really interesting. There are three ways i would like visit and touch with my work, the fear and mysterious ambience, the "open eyes" lightning, and the historical's stop time....I don't know rigth now how to translate that:)

dimanche 6 septembre 2009


I start to color the sketch. It s difficult to choise beetween time and style or quality. At this time, i feel the first plan to soft, i search how to corrige that. I hope i ll able to ameliorate the whole.

mercredi 2 septembre 2009

underSea_littlepocket_The Way to color

Ok, i will try to colorize the undersea's sketching right now. The first stage is according to me to redraw some stuffs and have a sufficient good and clear line to color.
I have asked to my girlfriend to take care of the caracter, she choosed to draw a young girl.
i 've used ps and painter to redraw all stuffs

lundi 31 août 2009


i will try to imagine and learn some stuffs around little submarine right now. Here is the first baby of the collection, figuratively's call : "little pocket", nb: if someone have some money to build it i m ok!

work around car

i go on work around cars,in that case i take a lot of informations with existing famous model.

samedi 29 août 2009

hot wheel

a quondam student ask me to draw with more magnify's proportion like the hot wheel's toys. i took then my fortitude at too hands and i have stolen a car of my little nephew.


i try to design a kind of mix between buggy and sport 's car, i notice only today than the wheels of sport's are really gum's sharp.

jeudi 27 août 2009


i design this car in the idea of a speedracing contest. A good exercise to train my hand with another thing than a stylet.

sketching trainning

i work my sketching skill to draw kind of futurist's cars at this time. I don't have a lot of time with the baby but the pleasure go on to be right. In this case i use some strange russian vehicule with an extra perspective presentation.

jeudi 6 août 2009

Ameris Matte Def

Voilà la version définitive, cela fait environ une semaine que je travail dessus, je l'ai assez vue pour l'instant. J'y reviendrais peu être plus tard, je suis plutôt content du résultat car j'ai utilisé de nouvelles techniques. Je voulais un engin qui prend son inspiration dans des formes maritimes, je voulais une impression d'être ailleurs que sur terre et que le ciel fasse lui aussi marin. Bien sur ce n'est pas parfais mais j'ai pris beaucoup de plaisir à le faire, la partie 3d fut très rapide et j'ai pu me lâché en 2d sur photoshop. J'adore la partie du travail où l'on commence à se raconter des histoires en peignant, un vrai gosse qui jouant à dieu.... j'imagine que en progressant se sera la partie la plus plaisante car un moment on sent que l'on pourrait passez de l'autre côté du miroir. Pour se qui est de faire bouger tout cela, j'avoue ne pas avoir la patience, si on me file plein de machine pour cela à la limite, mais n'ayant pas de baby foot à la maison je vais pas commencer à me taper des rendus...

mercredi 5 août 2009

matte painting

je suis sur le matte painting, c'est pas fini fini, encore de l'étalonnage et du peaufinage....l'étape après sera les fx et la compo

samedi 1 août 2009

prépa matt

preparation Pour le Matte

J'ai commencé le travail des maps de displaces et des greebles. Il est difficile d'optimiser les calcul pour obtenir une image satisfaisante, j'ai des textures numérisés en .map pyramidales et des approxi régler sur une subdive à 4 alors que j'aurrais bien poussé le niveau à 5 mais l'ordi ne suit pas. En plus de ces contre temps il me reste le premier plan à modeliser , je me languis d'attaquer le matte....

vendredi 31 juillet 2009


Je viens de finir le modeling HD de amaris, les map de displace sont prêtes et les instance greeble en place, il reste la mod du premier plan à faire encore mais je dois allez boire des bières avec les colins et me bouffer une énorme summer'sraqulette....

blocking 3d

mercredi 29 juillet 2009

concept Art

voilà le concept art avec les conseils de feutre, j'ai pris l'ambiance "mad max" que j'ai modifié en reprenant d'ailleurs les couleurs du film. C'est un peu lâché, j'y retourne le bébé pleure...