lundi 30 novembre 2009

mood lightning

i use the feed back from other user to retake and make this choise, i hope it will have a good validation to jump to the next stage

samedi 28 novembre 2009


i lead the advice to do a mood lightning before working more in detail. I m not sure yet wich one i will take as a reference, you can give me your opinion about that if you want. It s a funny stage, with no restraint to take risk.

vendredi 27 novembre 2009


At this time, i ll invite you on a space travel, have you ever talking about spaceone Station ?
SpaceOne station is on the lunar sattelite of megalithe Omega, the big sister of the blue one.
it s call "awoua" why? because my soon who has 5 month's old decided for me, that it!!
It's an agressive planet with corrosifs 's gazs on his surface, the men who work there have an life expectancy limited but the pay is really good. This explain the present of lot of protections mesures and private police controls...In this first picture you could see the top level of hélium 3's mine on the left and some gateways...

the final touch

i close this job at this time, i ve added some unsharpe filter and some level adjust of it. I use the mistake i ve done on this picture to work better on the next job. I prefer drawing where i go before use 3d but in this case i couldn't. i will work for me next time and respect all the step and i sure the result will be better. See you all ...

dimanche 22 novembre 2009


In order to help some graphists and explain how to use texture and projection i make this picture .I used their bdd and a constraint camera position. I show there the 3d output without gamma correction. I ll paint over this for the final touch. i m open for any subjection

vendredi 6 novembre 2009


i work with picture of a model to found the way i want. i will work of something more drawing after in order to obtain something more harmonious, at this time it s just a game to imagine where i will go after.